That word is SO NOT me!


Found out yesterday.

The feel of the word in my mouth is unlike any other adjective I've used on myself. It's like having too much bubble gum in your mouth at one time... or chewing through caramel and feeling it seep between your teeth. It's thick and sweet & causes more than just a little worry because I can't actually breath very well. Saying "I'm pregnant" out-loud is both a joy and a terror... but leaning much closer to joy every moment.



I either want to shout my news from the rooftops (i.e. Facebook) or want to take a nap. Today, I didn't get the mid-afternoon nausea waves which I am taking as a positive.

I've made a million lists of things to do between now & Thanksgiving (due date!!) including a list of all the things to do around the condo (get kid friendly furniture, paint in rooms, sell stuff), sell car/buy car. This is relatively exhausting. I'm enjoying the "How I'm going to tell people" exercise much more.
1. Tell my friends - go to trivia one night & suggest a team name "Hey, I'm pregnant so will you drink my beer?"
2. Tell my family - ask Marq to go to Mom's house & tell them both at the same time. Maybe call Marq sooner.
3. Write about it in my blog - once the first trimester is over, link to it on Facebook & Twitter
4. Get a t-shirt
5. Write a haiku
6. Text message

After passing the test (?!) yesterday morning, I thought to call 2 people - Darcy & Aimee. Both good friends who've known me for a long time & who have kids of their own.

Darcy & I chatted on the phone yesterday & online this morning. She tells me not to worry since there's nothing that can be done in the first trimester anyway (a sentiment echoed this morning by my doctor). With Darcy's confirmation, I will work on that. April 23 can't come fast enough (end of 1st trimester).

I can't wait to meet my little bean.


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