NEWS FLASH! Working out delays the onset of morning sickness...

or maybe it was the graham crackers I had when I got out of bed this morning. Either way, I LIKE IT!

4/13 10:15pm do 30 minutes of stretching exercises
11:00pm in bed & asleep within 15 minutes
4/14 4:30am awake due to full bladder
5:45am get out of bed. Stand in kitchen wondering why I'm standing in kitchen
5:55am Pour glass of milk & grab some graham crackers
6:00am Reflect on how yummy graham crackers & milk is
6:30am Eat breakfast
6:45am Leave for the gym
7:13am 10 minutes: Elliptical machine; 30 minutes: weights; 15 minutes: treadmill
9:00am arrive at desk & realize I'm not feeling nauseous at all!

The rest of the day is pretty boring...


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