What am I supposed to be doing again?
I (finally) called my OB yesterday in an effort to kick-start my ever growing TO-DO list. I've found that, when I'm not pregnant (!!), if I don't write my TO-DO list down, it's likely to not get done. So, here's my list:
1. Figure out the Spain trip
2. Call the dealership & get the car fixed
3. TAXES!!!
Yes... for the first time since I started filing taxes, it's April & I haven't hit the SEND button on Turbo Tax. Pathetic.
Anyway - for the trip to Spain, I need to talk to my doctor about the wisdom of traveling in my condition. I also need to call Laura & figure out flight schedules & such. Two easy tasks, that I have been procrastinating on with great success. So...
- Doctor called, have 2 appointments set up. One this Friday for a sonogram to check for the baby's heartbeat. Another to meet with the OB on 4/20. Expectations are that I will be cleared for travel.
- Emails flew to Laura. We're scheduled to talk this Saturday.
So... this thing this Friday with the sonogram. Darcy tells me that this check up will determine the "viability of the pregnancy." Viability? Whoa. I wasn't scared, but now I am.
Viability - this is truly not a word I have ever really thought about... now it's pretty much all I can think about. My friends at Wikipedia define Viability as the capacity for survivial or for living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions. Wow.
So basically, I feel it's a test that I can't study for or prepare for in any way. It's a judgement on my body's capacity to produce life. That's pretty heavy.
I don't honestly know how I'm going to feel after this test. If I pass, I'm going to be a mom, if I fail, I will likely never be a mom. Seems unfair not to be able to study.
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