
My boobs are getting HUGE!  

To the untrained observer, the enormity of my breasts may be unnoticeable, but since I have seen them every day for 32 years (I'm not claiming memory of the first 5 years - not cheating on my age thank you!), I can tell they've changed.  Size changes are one thing (all good!!!).   This morning, I was completely unprepared for what I noticed in the shower.

I'm rinsing & as I look down, little white speckles are showing up around my areola.  No... it wasn't soap.  CRAP!  Should I already be lactating???

Thank god for friends who have been pregnant before:

Email conversation with Aimee:  

Subject line:  Boobies
Me:  In addition to them being HUGE now... this morning I noticed little white dots around my nipples. After an explosion of joy followed by a fit of giggles, I though... um, is it too soon for me to be leaking?

Aimee:  Ah, gestating bodies are wondrous (and ever weird) things. Probably not really leaking, just your boobs getting ready for the milk-machine phase. They'll change color. Oh, so will the line below your belly button, if you have one. If you don't have one, you'll get one! Enjoy!

Most times, each change in my body sets off a fit of giggles.  Seriously, this is the weirdest show on earth and I am so glad to have a first row seat!

I seriously considered posting a photo of the whited dots, but I don't want to be that kind of blog.  Trust me though, it was WEIRD.


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