
I had migraines probably once a quarter before I got pregnant.  In April, I started getting them every 2 weeks.  Ouch.

If you've never had a migraine, consider yourself lucky.  Here's what it feels like -

Put a ballpoint pen on the back of your neck just to the right of your spinal cord and press until it hurts.  At the same time, put a different ballpoint pen on the inside of your eye, right where the hard skull bone and soft eye tissue meet.  Press there till it hurts.  Lastly, have someone else put a ballpoint pen on your temple.  Press until it hurts.  Keep up the pressure for hours.  That's what my migraines feel like.

Usually, I stay horizontal & with a cool pillow over my head.  Sounds hurt.  Light hurts.  Pillow over head feels good.

Usually, I take ibuprofen, but vitamin-I is prohibited while pregnant.

Tylenol doesn't work.

In April I suffered through it & it went away usually after a few hours.

Today's migraine started last night.  So, I called the doctor.  I got better drugs.  I felt better within the hour.



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