Crazy baby dreams part 1

I've always had pretty vivid dreams that I can remember.  Last, my dreams have gotten weirder.  I think Lomax is at work.

Preface - I had dinner with my lovely friend Tamra who loves horses.  About 8 weeks ago, she was thrown from her horse and broke her right arm.  At dinner, she told me that a few days after her accident, her father had an accident on a horse too.  That story was insanely funny & most likely for a different blog post.  The point is, I'm not a horse person & never have been so for me to have any dreams involving horses is weird.

I go to bed and dream that it is November & I'm starting to go into labor.  I call my friend Melinda and she drives me to the hospital.  We are amazingly calm the entire way, I should note... I'm sure this is just a predictor of what will happen in real life, right?

We're in the hospital and I'm on the gurney headed for the operating room & the doctor stops me & says
"Hello Ms. McKenney!  We have some interesting news for you!"

Interesting isn't exactly the word you what you want to hear from your doctor before heading into give birth, but it didn't phase me.  I was excited to be heading in to give birth to little baby Lomax.

Doctor:  "We've done our last sonogram and have noticed that you're going to give birth to 3 baby horses instead of a human baby"
Me:  "Wow.  Okay."  Surprisingly, I wasn't upset by this information...

So they wheel me into the operating room & I have an amazingly painfree & easy birth of 3 baby horses.  When I wake up, I say "Can I see my baby horses now?"

Doctor:  "No.  You can't see them"
Me:  "Why, I'm their mother!"
Doctor:  "No.  You can't be their mother, you are a human.  They need to be raised by a mother horse so we've sent them to the farm"
Me:  "Well, where is my human baby"
Doctor: "Sorry, you don't get one this time."

The doctor walks out & I turn to Melinda & say, sadly
"Now I'm never going to have a baby.  Dean's not going to want to go through this again."

Then, I woke up. 

I told Dean the story up to the horses being taken away & he says

"Where was I, trying to figure out how to hold a baby horse?"
Me: "No, the horses were taken away."

I thought it was cute that he thought he was trying to hold the baby horses.

Needless to say, I think having 1 baby horse would be painful... 3 in a row... I must have been HUGE!


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