Crazy Baby Dreams part 2
Last nights dream was weird...
It started out as a Seinfeld episode. Elaine ran into a man with balding hair whom she had dated, but didn't remember him. He remembered her & she tried to get away with with not introducing him to us (not Kramer, George or Jerry but me, Dean, my brothers & my mom). He realized she didn't recognize him & was offended. She tried to apologize, but everything she said came out wrong. It was funny in that Seinfeld way.
After the guy left, we looked around the vacant lot & decided to clean up some of the garbage. There was a hollowed out tree stump with bubbling tar that would incinerate the garbage, so all we had to do was put the garbage in the tree stump. We all scattered & began picking up garbage.

I came a cross a grassy knoll with a big tree on top. The tree was large enough to provide shade & since we had all been working so hard picking up the garbage, I suggested we take a break under the tree. The one caveat to this, however, was underneath the tree was a momma black bear & 2 little black bear cubs. We decided to play a game at the bottom of the grassy knoll instead of the top so we wouldn't disturb the animals.
I think we were playing Scrabble or LIFE or some kind of board game & things got a little rambunctious & loud. We woke up the momma bear.
Mervin (my older brother) lead the momma bear down the hall to his bed room (the grassy knoll was now a feature of my parent's house instead of a vacant city lot) where he began to fight it. Marq yelled back to Mervin to make sure the bear doesn't wake our father who was sleeping across the hall. Mom & I decided to get a weapon for Mervin to use against the bear & the curtain rod seemed like an appropriate tool.

In order to get the rod down, though, we had to untangle the pull string from both the rod and an enormous Koosh ball.
This took some time & with each unwind, I glanced over to make sure the baby bears were still sleeping.
From the boy's bedroom, I heard Mervin yell for Marq to come help him so Marq dashes down the hall & Mom suggests we work faster to get the curtain rod to them. From the room we could hear roars from the bear & shouts from my brothers as if the 3 of them were having a war of words instead of a hand-to-hand battle to the death. Still, we wanted to get the rod to them.

We managed to untangle the Koosh ball and ran back to towards the bedroom. As we went by the still sleeping baby bears, I thought
"I bet the momma only wants to protect her babies and we'd never hurt them so we shouldn't be fighting her."
Then I woke up.
BTW - Baby black bears are super CUTE!
Momma bear & baby photo courtesy of National Geographic
Koosh ball image courtesy of Wikipedia
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