Crazy Baby Dreams part 3
Something is up... 3 days in a row with cute animal baby dreams!?

I dreamt that Dean, Julie, Paul & I were on vacation. We were walking back from the airport & I was really pregnant. The sun was out. Julie & Paul abruptly left us even though we weren't at their place yet, jumped in a cab & took off. I was annoyed that they didn't offer to share the cab with us, but it was a nice day so we kept walking.
Dean decided he was going to take a cab too & abruptly left. Also annoyed but it was a nice day & I was feeling really pregnant & decided to enjoy the walk & not dwell on being left by my friends.
That lasted for about 30 seconds when I realized I still had my luggage with me. How could they all leave me for a cab & not even offer to take my luggage. Well, I decided, Dean was going to hear about this!
I got to the condo & opened the mailbox. The mailbox was full & I wondered why Dean didn't get the mail. He took a cab, so he had to have gotten home before I did and he didn't even bother to get the mail! When Dean's home, he always gets the mail, so this was unusual but given the extreme pregnancy & abandonment with luggage, I got angrier with him.

Then I noticed, on top of the junk mail & bills clogging up the tiny space, a wimpering box. I pulled the box out first & inside were 4 fuzzy puppies! The little guys crawled out of the box & on me immediately (when I got Neffi back in 1994, I knew she was for me because she did the same thing). I managed to get the puppies back in the box, grabbed the rest of the mail & dragged all my packages up the stairs.
I unlocked the door & inside stood Julie, Paul, Dean, Wynn & Jamie shouting "SURPRISE!!" All my furniture was gone... replaced by what looked like a display window at Ikea. As our friends were ushering me through all the new furniture they bought me, I heard a debate about color choices & return policies but all I could think was "Where is my furniture?!"
"We got rid of it! This is better for the baby!"
"We wanted to surprise you, that's why we left!"
"This stuff is stain resistant & will last forever!"
The sofa was an old plaid sofa with a modern slip cover that didn't quite reach the floor. There were extra TV stands & bookshelves around the living room. Instead of my 42" plasma in the living room, there were 2 smaller traditional TVs so I asked "Where's my TV?"
Jamie looks at Wynn & says "I told you she'd notice the TV."
Wynn says, sheepishly "We put the plasma in our room. These are much better for the baby."
We walked down the hallway and sure enough, Wynn & Jamie had moved in & had my 42" TV in their room.
Our room remained largely untouched.
"We didn't know what you'd want to do in there."
I started thinking about all the antique furniture from my grandparents ... "Where is the rocking chair? Where is the desk?" but all that came out of my mouth was "Look puppies!"
Baby puppies are SUPER CUTE!
Cute puppies & kitten photo courtesy of:
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