Baby Hiccups

For the last few weeks, I've experienced little 1/2 hiccups.  As with just about everything in my pregnancy, it took me a few days to connect the 1/2 hiccups with the fact that I'm pregnant.  :)

Usually at the first inkling that there is a connection, I turn to my more experienced friends... and usually via Facebook.  Here's the conversation:

Marquita Alicia McKenney has hiccups in the morning, every morning. Question for my mommy friends, did this happen to you?
Aimee Frye Appell
yup. not quite as much. but more. someone's pressing on your diaphragm. and not in a good way.

Marquita Alicia McKenney
it's funny! They're not full hiccups, just little "hics" every day. 
Thanks baby!

Deborah Soukup Irons
You're lucky if you just have hiccups...

Aimee Frye Appell
you may want to invest in a vat of Tums or, if you prefer the natural route, Papaya Enzymes. If you have hiccups now, you'll have heartburn later. Papaya enzymes after every meal help. and they're like eating yummy candy! don't get the mint-flavored one. ack.

Darcy Jones Bokath
didn't happen to me, but I didn't get heartburn either. HOWEVER...currently, the baby has the hiccups for me about 3 times a day, don't know which is worse.

Michelle Kamrath Fields
When I was pregnant, I had the "hics" every day between the hours of 2-4pm! It was strange how regular they were. Enjoy them, that means your baby is living well! :)

Mari Fran Schechtman
During pregnancy all sorts of weird things happen, but the funny thing is, once the baby is born, you kinda miss all that stuff. Enjoy everything! It's an amazing journey!

Trey-Ali Holmes
I had the baby get hiccups every evening near the end, which was so cute! None so far with this one, though. As squished as your insides are getting, be glad it's hics and not toots!

Ajai Blue-Saunders
Alicia- you can drink small sips of lemon water, or ginger tea which helps to sooth your upper digestive system. Don't eat late in the evening, and stay away from chocolate!

Fortunately, no heartburn yet... and I can't promise that I'll stay away from chocolate (especially since I'm starting to develop a craving for it).  For now, I'll just enjoy my little hics and really enjoy the idea of "my baby."

I'm going to have a baby!!!


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