Baby's first Thriller dance

Sometimes I just love living in Seattle.  This town is so quirky & weird, you never know what you're going to run across on any given weekend - especially in the summer.

A few weeks ago was the Solstice Parade that runs through a near-by neighborhood, Fremont.  The parade is infamous for featuring naked bikers.  Though the naked bikers were "outlawed" about 8 years ago, these intrepid cyclists get around the law by elaborately painting their bodies before getting on their bikes.  It's always something to see.

I thought I was safe in Ballard, however, when I was on my way to yoga class, the bikers had decided to tour through Ballard before (or after) the parade.  Knowing that the naked bikers were parading, I was only slightly surprised that they were in Ballard & happy to not have to endure the crowds in Fremont.  The elderly woman I came across on my way to class, had a different, more fearful expression on her face.  I explained what was going on & she seemed relieved but still determined to get the heck out of town.

Last night, there was a zombie walk.  The organizers encouraged people to dress like zombies for a parade through Fremont (yes, weird things are always going on on Fremont).  I thought the zombie thing was in memorial to the late, great Micheal Jackson who just passed away - especially since they were going to be doing a Thriller tutorial!

Little did I know, the zombie thing was pre-planned.  Like I said, Seattle is a weird & amazing place.

Anyway, Kevin, Scott, Kylene, CC & I were down in the middle of 3,000+ zombies (we were all dressed as civilians) watching the Seattle Thriller club teach us some of the trickier moves to the thriller dance.
  • Zombies don't talk - except to roar & say "Ha!"
  • Zombies only look to the left
  • The "Step-Ha" was by far the easiest move to master
  • Once the music sped up, it was harder to keep up
  • When my brain kicked in, I relied on my memory of the video to get me through
It was so much fun!


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