Dean's gets into it & I lose it
A few days ago, a co-worker (Thanks Korina!) gave me a wonderful book on pregnancy that's really tongue in cheek - funny pictures, conversational way of speaking. It's fun! Like all other books on pregnancy, I read up to the month/week that was relevant for me, then put the book down. I noticed in this book a chapter for expectant fathers, so I read that... just to know what's going on in Dean's head from their perspective. Interesting.
So I brought the book out & showed Dean and told him "Honey! This book has a chapter on expectant fathers, if you want to give it a look." He said okay & like so many of our other conversations, I expected it to end there.
I noticed a subtle change in his attitude lately - he's been more accommodating, a little more insistent that I take it easy, very sweet and he is even putting his hands on the belly & talking to Lomax. When I have a hormone fueled melt-down, he's showing more patience and stays calm. It's fantastic!
A day later, I'm walking out of the bedroom ready to go to work & there's Dean, with the book, reading the chapter for expectant fathers! WOW!
A few days after that, as we're heading to bed, Dean tells me, quite casually, that one of his coworkers lent him a book for expectant fathers and he's been reading through that as well. My heart was filled, FILLED with love, joy and happiness... then the hormones kicked in.
"You have a book?" I demanded
"Yup" He said proudly
"Why didn't you tell me?" I lobbed back crossly
"I'm telling you now" he countered honestly
But I was upset that he hadn't told me as soon as he had the book. Well... maybe he did tell me as soon as he had the book...
"How long have you had the book?" I asked
"A few weeks, I'm on month 5." he answered
"You've had the book for HOW LONG?"
"A few weeks is all"
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I honestly couldn't stop myself...
"I'm telling you now."
At this point I went into a long diatribe about how I tell him what's going on with me immediately & don't understand why he's keeping things from me - especially now... blah blah blah
I kinda lost it.
"Were you trying to surprise me?"
"Then why wait to tell me?"
"I'm telling you now...
Poor Dean.
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