IT's A BOY!!!!!!

Today, Dean & I spent all day at the hospital.  UGH!

We arrived at 11:45 and went to sign in with the genetic counselor (see the post titled "Reflections on Terror & Relief" for more detail on this).  At noon, we headed up to the ultrasound clinic for a 1 hour full body ultrasound scan of baby Lomax.  After the ultrasound, we went back to the genetic counselor and to my knowledge from there, we'd go to see the OB.  What I didn't know is that based on what I decided after talking to the genetic counselor, I'd have another appointment with the amnio doctor - which meant another ultrasound.  (see the post titled "Amnio Sucks" for more details on this).   Again... UGH!

Even without this knowledge, I knew it was going to be a grueling day, but the light at the end of the tunnel was that at the end of the day, I would know the answer to the 1 question that had been burning in my mind since I found out I was pregnant...  Boy or Girl?

The first time I asked this question was likely during the first visit with my regular doctor - in week 5.  Since, I had been asked by just about everyone what I thought, what I wanted, if I had a sense.  Truthfully, I did have a sense, but was too afraid to admit what it was for 2 reasons:
1. I had a 50% chance of being wrong.
2. I really wanted a boy and was afraid that my wanting a son was clouding my perception of what I was growing.

Somewhere around week 12, someone told me that their wife was super sick throughout her entire pregnancy which was a sign that it was a boy.  I was more than just a little alarmed because I had been sick, but not too sick.  When the migraines kicked in, I thought... this must be a sign!  I usually get migraines due to hormone changes & if I'm growing a boy, his hormones could be messing with mine & causing migraines.  I haltingly gave Dean my diagnosis & he replied "Uh, huh."

As today neared, I started worrying about how much I wanted a boy and how I would feel if it was actually a girl instead.  I worried that I would always resent the fact that she wasn't a boy or try to raise her as a tomboy or that one day I would accidentally tell her that I wished she was a boy & thereby scar her for life.  I didn't want any of that to happen but worried that it would... if we were having a girl.

Some other fears about having a girl:
1. I'm far from what anyone would call a "girly-girl."  If our daughter was a girly-girl, how would I relate to her?
2. I have trouble doing my own hair!  Being responsible for another girl's hair gave me night sweats.
3. The Jonas Brothers.  Really?

So, as we went from the sign in desk to the ultrasound clinic, I was nervous.

In the room, on the table, pants pulled down, shirt pulled up, jelly on belly, lights turned down
"Do you want to know the sex?"
"Yes!" we both said in unison.

I wish I had a photo of this...  Lomax was sitting with his legs in a diamond shape - feet touching or crossing at the ankles.  Directly across from the place where his ankles were crossed...

"IS THAT A PENIS?!" I shouted - pointing at the screen.
"Yes, that's a penis!  You're having a boy!"

I started crying.


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