My son the symphony conductor

This morning, Lomax decided to really go to town.  I guess with the altitude adjustment of being in Montana & the cacophony of new voices around us, he was pretty shy.  He didn't move around much at all during the week which made me sad for 2 reasons - 
1. I really wanted Dean to feel him move
2. Mark & Wynn both wanted to feel him move
He wasn't being cooperative, though so the week went by without much significant movement.

Then last night... or I should say this morning... 3am.

I returned from the bathroom & lay back in bed.  Dean was asleep facing me, so I lay facing him.  Just as I was dozing off, I could feel the conductor start his symphony with a few taps on his podium.  Granted, at the time, I didn't know a symphony was about to get started, but in retrospect, it was a symphony.  
Every 2 minutes tap tap tap
30 seconds after that came the BUMP BUMP BUMP of the drum
15 seconds later came the tat tat tat of the flute
10 seconds later came boom boom boom of the tubas
then silence - as if waiting for a grander entrance

2 minutes later...
tap tap tap
bump bump bump
tat tat tat
boom boom boom

2 minutes later...
tap tap tap
boom tat bump
bump boom tat
tat bump boom

Just as the tap tap tap started up again, I grabbed Dean's hand
"Your son is going nuts!" I said to make sure he was awake

tat tat boom
boom tab bump
bump bump boom

This went on for about an hour... his most active to date!

I got up to go read since I was clearly not going to be allowed to sleep.  After an hour, I climbed back in bed.  Dean, of course, was asleep.

Tap tap tap

Seriously, Lomax?!

Oh well, my love... play your tune, mommy is tired.


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