When did I start doing this?
Slowly, but surely over the last 6 months I've changed my behavior. Apparently as your belly gets bigger, there are fewer and fewer things that you can just do... such as:
- bend over with your legs together (the open legged squat is oh so lady like!)
- tie your shoes while your shoes remain on the floor (best to go with slip ons)
- see your feet without having to bend forward (i hear this is going to get worse)
- sleep through the night (which is supposedly practice for when baby comes, but it seems unfair! We should be sleeping like bears for 9-months, not wandering the hallways like zombies!)
Some of the things I started doing without realizing it:
- tie my bathrobe over my belly instead of across my belly (it's like the belt moved up on it's own!)
- rest my arm on my very own portable shelf (it's just comfortable!)
- grunt when I bend over
I went to a BBQ on Saturday & did a demonstration for my friends on how hard it is for me to pick things up off of the floor. I partially did it to remind myself of how I used to do it before making the attempt myself. Chrissie made it look so graceful and easy - especially compared to my walrus imitation.
I must say, pregnant women tricks are a hit at parties!
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