At our last OB visit, the doctor asked me if I had experienced any contractions. I said I didn't think so. In retrospect, never having had contractions, I had no idea what one would feel like. The doctor didn't go into any detail on what it would feel like & to be fair I didn't ask.
Since then, I've experienced contractions. Ouch.
The first time, I thought I had to go to the bathroom. It felt like I had to poo really, really badly. Like the lower half of my body was full, didn't like it and was making me pay for a lack of urgency (though before this moment, I didn't really have to go). I made it to the bathroom, did my business and didn't think much more of it.
A few days later, I was on the phone with Dean & got the same feeling. I again thought it was just me having to go to the bathroom but this time, the feeling radiated around my belly - as if someone had one of those cross-stitch hoops around my belly & began tightening it. I got off the phone with Dean & went to the bathroom. Business accomplished but I started wondering if that was really what was going on.
Then last night - I get home and head to bed. I start out on my back, but feel a little heartburn, so I turn onto my left side. The nausea doesn't really go away and I can't get comfortable on my left side. My shorts feel bunchy, my shirt feels tight, my stomach is aching, my back hurts a little. So, I roll to by back, but the nausea really rises so I roll to my right. Baby doesn't like it when I'm on my right side, so he starts to thump and tumble. Though the right side feels better, I can't relax if I imagine baby is uncomfortable, so I roll back to my left side.
All of the uncomfortable feelings return with a vengeance plus the cross-stitch hoop tightening. OHMYGOSHTHISISACONTRACTION!
I roll myself out of bed & start trying to breath (upon noticing that not only am I having a contraction, but it hurts, I think I stopped breathing). Every muscle in my body is tense so, along with deep breaths, I try to focus on each muscle & will them to relax. I lean up against the closet doors in the bed room, my body cocked at a 145 degree angle - right arm on the wall with my head against my forearm and my left hand massaging my belly. This isn't helping so I push off the wall & start to walk around. I meander around the condo & immediately wish the place were bigger.
I remember thinking "shouldn't this last only about 30 seconds?" so to calm myself, I attempt to start counting... then I realize that this has gone on for well longer than 30 seconds already. Then the pain subsides a little. Little by little it's gone.
I head back to bed and am able to drift off into a comfortable night's sleep.
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