Nursery Update
I failed. I'm not going to be one of those moms that makes clothes or costumes for my baby. I can't sew. Somewhere after figuring out how to get the iron on seem to finally work, I stepped back and looked at my handy work & thought... "Those would look so much better if they were sewn." And I gave up. They just were not fulfilling the mental image in my head. So I went shopping.
Before hitting the stores, I decided that I wanted a valance and curtains. I had seen some nice valances with the transportation theme at Pottery Barn for Kids, but at prices that were outrageous. After going to Babies 'R Us, Target, Toys 'R Us and Cost Plus, I had an idea that what My plan for making curtains has lost. I have been defeated by the curtains. I love the pictures, but cannot figure out how to make the curtains work. My defeat is likely due to my inability to sew, but I'm okay with that. Today's mission is to find curtains that make me happy.
Curtains from Sears & the colors match pretty much every decorating item I've ever purchased.

So I head to Sears & found great curtains! They aren't kiddie curtains and don't really follow the theme, but I like them.
Well, that had to be cleaned up, of course. This included, rearranging the furniture, getting shelving & somehow setting up a guestroom/nursery/office in a room that is only 12.5' x 9.2'.
The night Dean left to go back to Alaska, I woke up at 4am & had a burning desire to get the room together for once & all. Check it out!
Mari sent the frog wall hanger & it's filled with toys. I'm re-using some shoe & sweater cubbies for clothing storage. Thanks Debbie for all the hand-me-down clothes!
Thanks Debbie for the bassinet/playpen! This beauty will live in our bedroom so Oma can enjoy the room to herself... there could be some nights when, if Oma is willing, baby could sleep in with her... :)
Don't know what I'm going to put on the walls yet...
To see the before pictures, check out the post "Challenges in Nesting"
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